1. It is not enough to believe in God. You must believe
in His Son.
God has a Son. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ
is not just a great prophet, He is the Son of God.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,
believe also in me.
John 14:1

2. God is preparing a place in Heaven for those who
believe in Jesus.
Jesus wants you to be with Him and not with the devil. If
you do not go to the place that is being prepared for you, you
will go to hell.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
there ye may be also.
John 14:3

Do you want to go to this place? Many people will be
surprised when they die. They will be surprised to find out there
is a real world waiting on the other side. If you do not go to this
mansion you will go to hell.

3. There are many different kinds of mansions that have
been prepared for Christians.
The first will be last and the last will be first.
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were
not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place
for you.
John 14:2

Many Mansions
One day a rich Christian woman died and went to Heaven.
She was met by Apostle Peter and some other dignitaries who
took it upon themselves to show her to her new quarters. As they
drove through the streets of gold, they passed through amazingly
beautiful estates that were littered with fantastic mansions.
Finally they arrived at her new residence. When they took her
in, she realized that it was some kind of dormitory or barracks.
She looked around feeling a little dazed and said to Peter,
“There must be some mistake. Do you know who I am? Why
am I being brought here?”
Peter said, “This must be where you belong otherwise you
wouldn’t have been assigned to these barracks.” Knowing she
did not have a choice, she resigned herself to her fate and went
to see Peter off.
As she did that she couldn’t help noticing the fantastic
mansion just across the hill. “Who lives there?” she asked. “Oh,
that is your maidservants’ mansion.”

“My maid servant?” “Yes”, Peter answered. “Your maidservant
from Earth”. The woman continued to question, “But how come
she lives in this mansion and I live in these barracks?”
“Oh that’s simple”, said Peter. “When you were on Earth you
did not have time for God or for Heaven. You were so busy
working for yourself and building up treasures on Earth. Even
when it was time to give to help the church, you gave very little
compared to what you actually had. Your maidservant was very
faithful in serving the Lord and even though she had very little
money, she gave it all to the Lord’s work.
You will have to stay in these barracks for eternity but she will
be in that beautiful mansion forever. The first will be last and the
last will be first.

4. How can we find the way to Heaven and to these
mansions? By following someone who knows the way.
And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither
thou goest; and how can we know the way?
John 14:4-5
Someone Who Knows The Way
One day I held a crusade in Freetown, Sierra Leone. After this
crusade, we drove to another city further inland called Kenema.
We drove on untarred roads, across dangerously narrow bridges
and through some forests on our way out of the city. As we got
deeper I felt more and more uncertain about where we were
“Are they sure they are leading us in the right direction?” I
Suddenly, I heard some good news. I was told that the man
in the lead car was involved in mining and had often used that
very route.
From then on, I became relaxed and knew that we were
headed in the right direction. We were not lost after all because
we were following someone who knew the way because he had
been there before.

There are some people who have not been to Heaven, and
also boldly declare that they do not know where they are going.
Do not follow such people. How can you follow someone who
does not know where he is going? Jesus Christ knows the way to
Heaven because He has been there before. Follow someone who
knows the way to heaven.

5. Jesus Christ is the Way. There is no other way.
We must accept Him and believe in Him so that we can go to
Heaven. Open your heart and receive Jesus Christ as the Way,
the Truth and the Life for yourself.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the
life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6