READ: Joshua 5:1-8

At that time the Lord said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time. And Joshua made him sharp knives, and circumcised the children of Israel at the hill of the foreskins” – Joshua 5:2-3

Strong leadership is only possible by men of faith. Joshua was asked to circumcise everyone in Israel with sharp knives. Remember there was no anaesthesia in those days and so it must have been a very painful experience for them. Without faith and a strong conviction, you cannot move forward and you cannot lead people through painful and difficult patches. To fail to line up those around you is a sign of a lack of faith.

Your faith is your life! A life that demonstrates strong leadership is a life of faith. Strong leadership is only possible by men of faith. It is your faith in what God is telling you to do that enables you to lead people through painful or tortuous routes.

I know some pastors who admired my teachings and church management methods. They wanted to lead their churches in the same way and develop their ministries along the same line. They, however, met a lot of resistance and were forced to go back to their old ways.

Human beings are full of grumbling, murmuring and disputing. Without faith in God most people would shy away from leading and helping people. Strong faith will cause you to stand up against any form of dissent within the ranks. It takes faith to lead people to new places.

Your faith in God must be bigger than your faith in the negative people around. You must believe in the ability of God to promote you. There will always be difficulties in every decision. You must believe in God’s ability to make everything work out right.