READ: Ephesians 2:11-18

…and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us… that he might reconcile both unto God…” – Ephesians 2:14,16

Why is the world filled with so much evil? Why do millions of people commit fornication and adultery on a daily basis? Why does stealing, killing and injustice abound everywhere? Where is this world of over five billion greedy, corrupt, degenerate and selfish people going?

God has given up the human race to its perverted way of life. It is these unsaved and degenerate people that Jesus came to the earth to save.

Do you remember what God told Adam and Eve? He said that, “In the day that you eat this fruit you will die.” When a man dies, there is no way you can keep his body at home. No matter how much you love your brother, when the condition called death lays its icy hands on him you have to part company with him. When Adam and Eve sinned, they died. The condition of spiritual death entered their spirits and there was no way God could fellowship with them any more. He had to drag them out of the garden and separate them from Himself. The whole human race is separate from God.

This is why Jesus said a man had to be born-again. Another term for being born-again is regeneration. Before a man is born-again, he is estranged from God. His nature is essentially evil. He may look good on the outside, but essentially, he has a corrupt and wicked nature. When you are born-again, your essential nature is changed. That is why the Bible calls you a new creature. God has to make a new creation out of the old corrupt man. Salvation breaks the wall that separates mankind from God.

…and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us… that he might reconcile both unto God… Ephesians 2:14,16