READ: Luke 15:11-24

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. – John 15:7

Abiding in Christ is an important key to receiving any type of response from the Lord. If you do not stay in the house, do not expect God to answer any of your prayers. A hundred per cent answered prayer is for people who stay in Christ and in His church. When you wander away from God, you become
like the prodigal son. You are far from your father.

The prodigal son did not stay in the house. He moved out and lived in a far country. He fellowshipped
with harlots and ate with pigs. Even if his father had wanted to give him food, there was no way he could have. He was simply out of the reach of his father.

When you do not stay in the house, you will end up with the pigs. Perhaps as you read this, you realize that being far from God has not helped you. It is time to come back home. Staying in fellowship is an important key to receiving the blessings of the Lord: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” (1 John1:7).$

There are some people who think they can be good Christians without going to church. You are deceiving yourself! If you are walking in the light, you will have fellowship with others who are in the light. That is what this Scripture is telling you. Are you in the darkness or in the light?
If you are in the light you will go to church and fellowship with other Christians.