READ: Proverbs 7
“..Even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” – 1 Peter 3:4

Outward beauty depends on the inward beauty of a person. If you are beautiful inside it shows on the outside. There are times when I see people, that I can tell they are not doing well spiritually.

I saw two pictures of a lady who had converted from witchcraft to Christ. One photograph showed her when she was practising witchcraft, and the other when she had accepted Christ. They were two different people.

When you are doing well spiritu- ally, it reflects in your outward beauty. Proverbs 7 describes a strange woman who is physically very attractive, but very stub- born and loud. Such a person is beautiful outwardly but ugly in character and emotions. Young men, look for the inner beauty. The Bible calls it “a meek and quiet spirit.”

A beautiful wife once threatened to slap her husband in pub- lic. She was definitely a beauty on the outside but a tigress on the inside. Look at what is inside in addition to the outward appearance, because it is the two things together that make a person truly beautiful. Young men, do not be impressed by what you see on the outside. Look out for the inner beauty.

In spite of the fact that my wife is physically beautiful to me, I saw something inside her that attracted me—the inner beauty.
When a person has a good spirit, and a good heart, it adds to the person’s beauty.